Vrindavan, Вриндаван, Biru Saraswati Film, Krishna Temples, ISKCON Temple ИСККОН, Prem Mandir, Биру

Film “VRINDAVAN“: my film about the town of VRINDAVAN - the place where Lord Shri Krishna spent his childhood. The town is located in the Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh, India. In Vrindavan devotees of Lord Shri Krishna love to spend time visiting famous temples and chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra. There are many temples in Vrindavan; in this film I have captured the famous ones like Prem Mandir (Temple of Love), ISKCON Temple (Ram Balaram Temple), Govind Dev Temple, Rangaji Temple, Shahji Temple, Banke Bihariji Temple, Imlitala Temple and so on. The film also contains many other famous & interesting places like Nidhivan, Nikunj Van (Sewa Kunj), etc. Фильм “ВРИНДАВАН“: мой фильм о Вриндаване - место, где Господь Шри Кришна провел свое детство. Город расположен в Матхура районе штата Уттар-Прадеш, Индия. Во Вриндаване преданные Господа Шри Кришны любят проводить свое время, посещая знаменитые храмы, и воспевая Харе Кришна маха-мантру. Во Вриндаване расположено очень мн