Save the World with Violet Flame - 2 #violetflame #saintgermain

0:00:00 Song 234 0:04:04 Decree (12x) 0:13:32 Song 240 0:15:43 Decree (9x) 0:24:10 Fiat: “I AM the Flame of Freedom“ 0:25:26 Decree (x) 0:26:38 Decree (x6) 0:28:55 Decree (24x) 0:40:58 Song 242 (3x) “Light, set me free!“ 0:43:20 Fiats (3x each) 0:44:14 Song 701 0:47:57 Decree 0:49:56 Song 399 0:54:31 Preamble to 0:54:55 Decree (3x) 0:59:32 Preamble to 0:59:48 Decree (30x) 1:10:44 Fiat: “I AM the Flame of Freedom“ 1:11:56 Decree (33x) 1:29:26 Song-decree (3x) 1:32:46 Fiat: “Lightbearers of the World, Unite! (3x)“ DECREE FOR THE GREAT COSMIC LIGHT Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Beloved Father Supreme: May the Light of Cosmic Illumination, The Light of the Violet Fire of Freedom’s love, The Great Cosmic Light and The Light of Cosmic Victory be poured in from cosmic sources like the power of a million Niagara Falls ceaselessly descending to permeate the atmosphere of earth, eradicate all entities, all maya, glamour, and karma, and replace them all by the Great Cosmic Light! And bring in Saint Germain’s great golden age with one mighty impulse that wipes from the record and memory of Life in a flash all that was never intended to be! (3x or 33x)* (Give the following section once.) Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Beloved Father Supreme, Beloved Mighty Victory, beloved Goddess of Liberty, and beloved Goddess of Light, Beloved Helios and Vesta, Beloved Alpha and Omega: I AM, I AM, I AM the authority for and I AM, I AM, I AM the Great Cosmic Light for the earth and all Life thereon here, now, and for always! (3x)** Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! And in full Faith . . . TRAVELING PROTECTION Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind, Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left, Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below, Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here! (3x) BLUE LIGHTNING IS THY LOVE Blue lightning is thy Love, Flood forth to free all; Blue lightning is thy Power, In God I see all; Blue lightning is thy Mind, In pure Truth I find Refrain: Light will overcome, Light will make us one. Light from blue-fire sun, Command us now all free! 2. Blue lightning is thy Law, Blaze forth as holy awe; Blue lightning is thy Name, Our heart’s altar do enflame; Blue lightning maketh DECREE FOR FREEDOM’S HOLY LIGHT Mighty Cosmic Light! My own I AM Presence bright Proclaim Freedom everywhere— In Order and by God Control I AM making all things whole! Mighty Cosmic Light! Stop the lawless hordes of night, Proclaim Freedom everywhere— In Justice and in Service true I AM coming, God, to you! Mighty Cosmic Light! I AM Law’s prevailing might, Proclaim Freedom everywhere— In magnifying all goodwill I AM Freedom living still! Mighty Cosmic Light! Now make all things right, Proclaim Freedom everywhere— In Love’s Victory all shall go, I AM the Wisdom all shall know! I AM Freedom’s holy Light Nevermore despairing! I AM Freedom’s holy Light Evermore I’m sharing! Freedom, Freedom, Freedom! Expand, expand, expand! I AM, I AM, I AM Forevermore I AM Freedom! SET THE ELEMENTALS FREE Seal, seal, seal in an ovoid bright Of the violet fire’s clear light Every elemental, set and keep them free From all human discord instantly. 1. Beloved I AM (3x) 2. By Christ-command (3x) 3. By God’s blue ray (3x) 4. By God’s violet ray (3x) 5. By God’s love ray (3x) 6. By Hercules’ might (3x) 7. By Jesus’ Light (3x) 8. By Michael’s sword (3x) 9. It’s done today, it’s done to stay, it’s done God’s way RADIANT SPIRAL VIOLET FLAME Radiant spiral Violet Flame, Descend, now blaze through me! Radiant spiral Violet Flame, Set free, set free, set free! Radiant Violet Flame, O come, Drive and blaze thy Light through me! Radiant Violet Flame, O come, Reveal God’s Power for all to see! Radiant Violet Flame, O come, Awake the earth and set it free! Radiance of the Violet Flame, Explode and boil through me! Radiance of the Violet Flame, Expand for all to see! Radiance of the Violet Flame, Establish Mercy’s outpost here! Radiance of the Violet Flame, Come, transmute now all fear! MORE VIOLET FIRE Lovely God Presence, I AM in me, Hear me now I do decree: Bring to pass each blessing for which I call Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all. Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll Round the world to make all whole; Saturate the earth and its people, too, With increasing Christ-radiance shining through. I AM this action from God above, Sustained by the hand of heaven’s Love, Transmuting the causes of discord here, Removing the cores so that none do fear. I AM, I AM, I AM The full power of Freedom’s Love Raising all earth to heaven above. Violet Fire now blazing bright, In living beauty is God’s own Light Which right now and forever Sets the world, myself, and all life Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection. Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!