Zhea Erose - Candescent Angel (48-tone Pure Harmonics)

Turn it up and enjoy the resonance. The intricate interactions in the sustain is what moves me so. This is a short composition in pure harmonics. I've been developing this tuning since 2021. It's a beautiful, rich sound and I hope to share more from this system. The acoustic piano at my indiana studio was last tuned in this. Additionally, I re-tuned a piano at the Microtonal Adventure Festival in Bellingham Washington into this system in 2022. tuning info for the geeks: Candescent [48], is a 4-octave, 48 tone just intonation developed for piano specifically. In some ways, it's like a 12-neji which is irregular across 4 octaves. It affords a rich variety of timbres and qualities but requires keeping track of where you are. Intervals: Candescent [48] 0: 1/1 unison 1: 65/64 65th partial as glimmerstep 2: 9/8 major second 3: 19/16 19th partial as first m3 4: 5/4 major third 5: 43/32 6: 45/32 diatonic tritone 7: 3/2 perfect fifth 8: 51/32 9: 109/64 10: 57/32 57th partial, minor 7th 11: 15/8 15h partial, maj 7th 12: 2/1 1st Octave 13: 17/8 17th partial as a half step 14: 9/4 major ninth 15: 37/16 37th partial, god 3rd 16: 5/2 major 10th 17: 43/16 18: 11/4 11th partial, super 4th 19: 3/1 perfect 12th 20: 51/16 21: 27/8 Pythagorean major sixth +1 octave 22: 7/2 harmonic 14th 23: 15/4 major 14th 24: 4/1 2 octaves 25: 33/8 al-Farabi's 1/4-tone +2 octaves 26: 9/2 perfect 16th 27: 19/4 19th harmonic +2 octaves 28: 5/1 major 17th 29: 43/8 30: 23/4 23rd harmonic +2 octaves 31: 6/1 perfect 19th 32: 97/16 Rising comma shimmer fifth 33: 27/4 Pythagorean major sixth +2 octaves 34: 57/8 minor seventh +2 octaves 35: 61/8 36: 8/1 3rd Octave + 32 cent shimmer 37: 67/8 67th partial, minor 2nd 38: 73/8 73rd partial, supermajor 2nd 39: 19/2 19th partial, minor 3rd 40: 10/1 10th partial, major 3rd 41: 43/4 43rd partial, harmonic 4th 42: 11/1 11th partial, harmonic super4th 43: 12/1 3rd partial, perfect 5th 44: 13/1 13th partial 45: 27/2 pyth major 6th 46: 14/1 harmonic 28th 47: 15/1 classic major 28th 48: 16/1 4th Octave As a single compressed object, it lands at: 64:65:72:76:80:86:90:96:102:109:114:120:128:136:144:148:160:172:176:192:204:216:224:240:256:264:288:304:320:344:368:384:388:432:456:488:512:536:584:608:640:688:704:768:832:864:896:960:1024 #harmony #piano #music