Effective communication (Jochen Rindt, Monza ’70 accident) | Pat Clarke, FS Autumn School ’21

The story happen in Formula One in the years, when Pat was young: miscommunications in Lotus teams between Colin Chapman, drivers (Jochen Rindt is the key person of the story), engineers and manufacturing workers cause a very serious consequences. Story shows the importanca of good communication systems and information flows in the team. Also, interesting Q&A session at the end. 00:00 The story about Jochen Ringt, Collin Chapman and Lotus 55:33 Q&A session start 56:56 Q1 If they had quality control department? 1:03:45 Q1.2 Separate person to quality assesment 1:05:07 Q2 Don’t close your eyes on safety 1:06:31 One accident 1:07:55 Q3 Introvert and extravert proportion in the team 1:11:53 Q from Pat: should FS push world techologies forward? 1:16:50 Q4 Is sophisticated engineering software important 1:29:56 Pat’s impotant advice about sponsors 1:35:06 Q5 Mech vs electrician guys. Communication problems 1:39:54 Q6 Problems with captain, sponsor (push tema to EV) 1:52:16 About FS goals (again) 1:57:19 Conclusion Pat’s lectures: Keeping your tires happy: Understanding the anti’s: Pat Clarke is a world-famous design judge, who was involved in project in 1998. Since then Pat travel around the world, sharing his knowledge and experience with the students worldwide. He was a chief design judge at FS Germany, FSAE Astralasia, FS Russia, FS Bharat (India), moderate judge at FS UK and many other events. __________________________________________ Соц.сети ​​ ​​ ___________________________________________ Поддержать: Карта Сбербанка: 5469 4009 3973 4021 Ю-money: 410011699087711 WebMoney: Z439600912055 Qiwi: 79153072911 Собранные средства пойдут на оборудование для производства видео.