Anaheim Anaheim Lowrider Cruise Night 01/20/2023

It’s time to kick it over at this dope Anaheim lowrider cruise night that went down this past Friday over at the Pep’s Pizza parking lot. The last time I was here, it was for the RevoluC10n Thanksgiving food drive in November, so it was great to be back here for more lowrider action! The spot was already cracking when I arrived so there was no hesitation on my behalf, I went straight to capture the scene. Orange County lowriders were definitely in the house this night with a variety of rides such as: lowrider bombs, Lincoln lowriders, Cadillac lowriders, G Body Lowriders, Impala lowriders and so on! I would like to thank the homie from Illustrious CC for putting my stickers on the clean rides! This appreciation is also extended to everyone else who has put my stickers on their rides in support of what I do, it’s an honor! Thanks for watching!! 💰Purchase Beats: #AnaheimLowriderCruiseNight #OrangeCountyLowrider