Shaolin Kung Fu Combat Styles: 7. small power form (炮拳: pao quan), extended

instructor: Shaolin Kung Fu practitioner __________________ - combat strategy: the power style, with a pair of small and big forms, teaches the proper ways to apply “power“. its main tactics are: tactic 9 - “revive the dead corpse (借尸还魂)“: use all available parts of your body in attack and defense. instead of using just one arm or leg, use both your arms and legs together or in succession. tactic 10 - “use fire to plunder (趁火打劫)“: use stronger parts of your body in attack or defense. for example, whenever possible, instead of your hands, use your forearms, elbows, or shoulders, and instead of your feet, use your calves, knees, or pelvis. tactic 11 - “shut the door to catch the thief (关门捉贼)“: block and drag the opponent towards your attack (with your hand or foot) to increase the chance and power of the impact. tactic 12 - “to catch thieves, catch their chief (擒贼擒王)“: to be effective, target the most sensitive parts of opponent's body. (the most common sensitive points in opponent's body from top to down are: the eyes, nose, throat, diaphragm, testicles, fingers, shins.) for example, in the fingers, target the smaller one, in the face, the lower jaw, in ribs, the lower rib, in thigh, the lower thigh, which are relatively weaker and easier to damage. these involve the body curved for motion of the upper parts of the limbs in lots of double and triple moves. __________________ - history: Tang dynasty (618-907): after a war in 621 AD, Shaolin monks performed a pao chui (power style) in an exhibition in presence of the first emperor of the dynasty. Song dynasty (960-1279): pao quan was first officially compiled in the first years of the Song dynasty (960s AD) under the supervision of chief monk Fu Ju (福居). Yuan dynasty (1279-1368): in the late years of the dynasty, monk Jinnaluo (紧那罗) improved the pao quan form. this was the 'small pao quan'. Qing dynasty (1644-1912): in the mid years of the dynasty, the early 1800s, monk Zhan Ju (湛举) combined pao quan techniques into a base of small and big hong quan, tong bi quan, luohan quan, and some other materials to create the 'big pao quan'. specially, there was a set called Shaolin xinyi ba, which is still widely practiced in Dengfeng area around Shaolin temple. this set imitates daily and farming activities by combining standing and small-frame stances with the pounding moves of the arms and fists, which use whole the body to generate explosive power. Zhan Ju combined xinyi ba moves into the small and big pao quan and perfected them. __________________ - note: there are various other forms and styles named 'pao quan' or pao chui in Chinese kung fu, and they are historically and technically different from Shaolin pao quan. these are just different styles with similar names. __________________ Shaolin Kung Fu tutorial: - bodybuilding: - techniques: - styles: - weapons: