Hontai Yoshin-ryu Ju-jutsu - 42nd Japanese Kobudo Demonstration (2019)

Inoue Kyoichi Sensei and his students demonstrating Hontai Yoshin-ryu Ju-jutsu during the 42nd Nihon Kobudo Embutaikai held at the Nippon Budokan on February 3rd, 2019. The event also commemorated the 40th anniversary of the Nihon Kobudo Kyokai. Hontai Yoshin-ryu was founded in 1660 (early Edo period) by Shigetoshi Takagi under the original name of (Hontai) Yoshin-ryu Takagi-ryu. It is best known for its bare hand techniques, which are the heart of its teaching, as well as for its kodachi (short saber) and