Blues for Sudzhian — Oleg Maximov Quartet

This is a blues for one of my guitar teachers — Mukuch Sudzhian. A little reminder that even if we don't agree with our teachers, they're still making a huge impact on our playing(and life in general). So thanks to our teachers for every lesson they gave us whatever conscious or subconscious it was. This is a blues for one my guitar teachers — Mukuch Sudzhian. A little reminder that even if we don't agree with our teachers, they're still making a huge impact on our playing(and life in general). So thanks to our teachers for every lesson they gave us whatever conscious or subconscious it was. Personalities of the video: Oleg Maximov — guitar Denis Markin — piano Fedor Faber — bass Kirill Zinoviev — drums Andrey Pilipenko — audio Egor Yurchenko — video Это блюз для одного из моих гитарных педагогов — Мукуча Суджяна. Небольшое напоминание, что даже если мы не согласны с нашими учителями, они всё равно оказывают огромное влияние на нашу игру на инструменте,