CW: contains blood and animal death - usual wc stuff Darkstripe; a horrible cat who couldn't even kill one kittypet. Woot! First PMV I've actually ever completed. I had the idea for this after listening to the song, which I'm not sure if the song fits Darkstripe that much, but the idea stuck with me so here we are. I always found Darkstripe an intriguing villain, you don't learn that much about him though, so it's fun imagining his own conflict in the gaps. This PMV was an ordeal to put together. I was working on and off with it for months using Krita and Windows Movie Maker. I had finally finished and saved the video only to watch it back with obnoxiously lower quality which I wasn't happy with. So eventually I've remade the video (wasn't too hard I still had all the images) with Opentoonz and I'm finally happy with how the quality looks. (still a bit grainy, but that might be from the images themselves? Whatever, I'm done messing with this vid