Breaking News ! Operation Strait Jacket ! Zakaos Breaks Down The . Remote Soft Kill Method

Breaking News ! The . strait Jacket aka the New Heart Attack inducer method or organ shut down . This operations is a continuation of what was called Operation Black desk , Then digitally and militarily called Operation Black Water Fused with Echelon /Tempest ( Digital electrical assassin super computers ) and the V2k microwave Ratheon Missile difference system now controlled By Darpa and then Programmed by them and then into Chem trailing called the Black Operation / Black Programmed Matter / Nanoties PUPs . This also has attack alga rhythms with nano encryption attack packets ,Version Packets meaning what version of the brain and body did we last duplicate with a smart meter or RFID chip ext ) ( Attacks all Ram and isolates to put out dead tones ghost wave communications encryption packets / alga rhythms ) is a Soft kill method made from what witches call Binding . This is just another way the parasites consume their host slowly . This is the digital make up and names for those who cast and practice this evil art . They will all be hunted down .