A Large Hole Has Opened Up in the Sun’s Atmosphere and It’s Directly Facing Earth

A large hole has opened up in the sun's atmosphere is facing Earth and it is spewing a stream of fast-moving solar wind toward our planet. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) photographed the giant fissure on April 3rd. The coronal hole is potent because it is spewing solar wind threaded with “negative polarity“ magnetic fields. Such fields do a good job connecting to Earth's magnetosphere and energizing geomagnetic storms. NOAA forecasters say that G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm levels are likely when the solar wind arrives. Solar wind flowing from this region should reach Earth on April 4-5, 2024, possibly stirring geomagnetic storms. High latitude sky-watchers should be alert for auroras. Thanks for watching! #coronalhole #solarwind #solarstorm Images credit: AIA/SDO Music credit: YouTube Audio Library