Does US hypocrisy explain African neutrality on Ukraine? | Conflict Zone

Sudanese-British billionaire philanthropist Mo Ibrahim, who has spent much of the last two decades addressing the importance of good governance and the rule of law in Africa, says the key to understanding the ambivalence or neutrality of many African countries towards Russia’s war in Ukraine is hypocrisy. How is this different than Iraq, he asked DW’s Tim Sebastian, saying many people in Africa don’t see a difference between the 2003 US invasion and Russia’s war in Ukraine when it comes to respecting sovereignty or international rules. Ibrahim also addressed the ongoing violence in the country of his birth, saying the world should not “let the fires spread” from Sudan and called for an arms export ban to the region amidst the fighting there. Chapters: 00:00 War and rivalry in Sudan, two sides armed to the teeth 02:16 Humanitarian principles and civilian casualties in Khartoum 02:58 Does he lose faith in Africa? 03:12 Ibrahim foundation index on governance: improvement over last ten years 03:40 Africa’s own goal: bad governance, backsliding 04:01 Governance is about deliverables including human rights, security & rule of law 04:48 Marginalization, exclusion, minorities, climate changes, herders, farmers, Darfur, General Bashir 05:40 Coups, militia, RSF, army, and young people protesting against tyranny & dictatorship 07:03 Tolerance of military rule: Afrobarometer Guinea and corrupt civilians 08:11 It’s wonderful to get rid of bad leaders, replacing Satan with the devil 09:14 Strongmen became fashionable: Trump, Erdogan, Putin, Xi Jinping, Orbán, Duterte, it’s not an African phenomenon, it’s global 10:50 Every morning we used to have a coup somewhere in Africa 11:10 at do we need these armies for in Africa 11:52 UN Human Rights Council and Sudan 12:18 There is no government in Khartoum. 12:41 African Union suspended Sudan, but the AU has no standing army. 13:17 What about the UN Security Council? No moral outrage, no opinion, it’s shameful 14:23 Contact with en. Abdel-Fattah Burhan and Gen. Mohammed Dagalo? 14:48 The Hauge, Omar al-Bashir, ICC, African Court and immunity from prosecution for heads of state. 16:04 West Darfur, South Sudan, regional contagion from unrest? 16:12 We cannot give up on Sudan, before the fire spreads, US, Saudi Arabia, Quartet, Nairobi, export ban 17:13 Foreign armies in Africa and Wagner Group, Russian PMC 17:42 African ambivalence, neutrality on Russia’s war in Ukraine, postcolonial, UN resolution, 19:00 US 2003 invasion of Iraq and hypocrisy 19:13 Do the rules only apply to Russia? Libya 20:13 When you talk international rules it should apply to everybody 20:29 US allegation against South Africa regarding arms shipments to Russia, ambassador apology, ANC, Cyril Ramaphosa 22:05 Accuracy of US intelligence 22:50 What should West do in Africa? COVID vaccinations, good words, no deeds 24:00 20 trillion dollars in spending since pandemic for Africa how much? Sri Lanka, Zambia, 24:50 100 billion dollars a year in illicit transfer from Africa Subscribe: For more news go to: Follow DW on social media: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: ►Instagram: ►Twitch: Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie: #Sudan #Africa #UkraineWar