PLEIADIAN ALAJE - DNA HEALING-SOLFEGGIO-BINAURAL-ISOCHRONIC - 174Hz - 285Hz - 417Hz - 528Hz - 741Hz BRAINWAVES This sound therapy is from my Album: PLEIADIAN LIGHT DIMENSIONS 2. This sound therapy meditation, has real, Binaural and Isochronic Solfeggio Brainwaves, in 5 different frequencies. 174Hz - 285Hz - 417Hz - 528Hz - 741Hz. Each frequency will help you to focus on transforming the energy in your body, in order to heal your DNA and immune system, cleanse your cells from Viruses, remove negative energy, heal inner organs and reduce pain. For the best results, please use headphones and sit in a quiet room. You will feel how your brain will vibrate, and all parts of the brain will be active to support the healing process. Feel the energy and visualize how cosmic light is protecting you from viruses. Healing is a process, so you have to use this meditation as many times as possible, until you feel the energetic and physical changes. The 5 Frequencies used in this video are= 174 Hz-Brainwaves-Binaural-Isochronic-Reduce Pain 285 Hz-Brainwaves-Binaural-Isochronic-Heal-InnerOrgans 417 Hz-Brainwaves-Binaural-Isochronic-Remove Negative Energy ALAJE-528 Hz-Brainwaves-Binaural-Isochronic-Healing DNA-Immune System 741 Hz-Brainwaves-Binaural-Isochronic-Cleanse Cells from Viruses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This sound therapy is from the Album: PLEIADIAN LIGHT DIMENSIONS 2 Eleven tracks with uplifting higher dimensional Pleiadian Music and Brainwaves Meditations with Binaural - Isochronic - Solfeggio - Frequencies Hz= Pyramid Frequency, Initiation 110 Hz= Energize both Brain Hemispheres 174 Hz= Reduce Pain 285 Hz= Heal Inner Organs 396 Hz= Root Chakra Activation 417 Hz= Sacral Chakra Activation, Remove negative Energy 528 Hz= Solar Plexus Chackra Activation, Heal DNA and the Immune System 639 Hz= Heart Chakra Activation 741 Hz= Throat Chakra - Clense Cells from Viruses 852 Hz= 3rd Eye Chakra Activation 963 Hz= Crown Chakra Activation, Oneness with the Existence SUPPORT MY LIGHTWORK WITH A DONATION AND RECEIVE MY PLEIADIAN MUSIC AS A PRESENT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Receive my music CD - PLEIADIAN LIGHT DIMENSIONS 2 - MP3 Download with Donation and Lightwork support Step 1: Donate $ 35 at: Step 2: Send an e-mail to lightloveharmonyinfo@ and write that you wish the CD - ALAJE-PLEIADIAN LIGHT DIMENSIONS 2 - MP3 Download. Step 3: You will receive a download link in your email adress. This can take hours, days or weeks, depending on whether we are travelling. Please be patient. The files are large and need time to upload and download. After we have send the download link to you, logically it is not possible to change to another music CD. A donation is a gift and can not be refunded. Thank you very much for your donation. Your donation is supporting my lightwork projects and the including costs. **** Unauthorized copying, selling, re-uploading and sampling are strictly prohibited. Copyright (с) 2021 by ALAJE THE PLEIADIAN. All Rights Reserved.