Slice of LIME 15.7: LIME Connection X A/Prof. Te Kawahau Hoskins Keynote Presentation

The tenth biennial Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education (LIME) Network LIME Connection conference was hosted by Australian National University on Ngambri & Ngunnawal Country, Canberra, Australia from 22 – 25 October 2023. LIME Connection X theme: Decolonising education – through critique to transformative learning and teaching. Decolonisation requires an interrogation of the processes, culture and assumptions of power. It is to seek transformation through education; to critique the replication of existing structures and ways of thinking. It is a disruption seeking to broaden thinking beyond accepted knowledge, practice, theory and research. Te Kawehau is an Associate Professor in Te Puna Wānanga (The School of Māori and Indigenous Education) and Ihonuku Pro-Vice Chancellor Māori at Waipapa Taumata Rau, The University of Auckland. She researches in the areas of Indigenous – Māori philosophies, including Kaupapa Māori; and the politics and ethics of Indige