Finding Freedom A Journey of Self Discovery in Their Eyes Were Watching God

Title: Finding Freedom: A Journey of Self-Discovery in “Their Eyes Were Watching God“ In “Their Eyes Were Watching God“ by Zora Neale Hurston, the protagonist Janie Crawford embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery amidst the backdrop of early 20th century America. Born to a mixed-race mother and raised by her grandmother Nanny, Janie's life is shaped by societal expectations and the search for love and independence. Forced into an arranged marriage with Logan Killicks by her grandmother, Janie experiences the stifling constraints of tradition and gender roles. Fleeing the confines of her unhappy marriage, she elopes with Joe Starks, who promises her a better life in Eatonville, Florida. However, their relationship becomes strained as Joe seeks to control Janie's every move, suppressing her individuality and dreams. After Joe's death, Janie finds liberation and love with Tea Cake, a younger man who encourages her to embrace her true self. Toget