Punky Brewster - S03E22 - Open Door, Broken Heart, Part 2.

After Punky’s attempt to get the police to look for Brandon, and a teen con artist (Scott Menville) shows up with a bad fake, Henry brings up the point that there’s a chance that Brandon may not be found. Henry, Betty, and Cherie try to cheer Punky up with a new golden retriever puppy, but that doesn’t work. However, one of the flyers that Cherie was handing out ends up in the hands of Joey’s mother (Alley Mills). Joey doesn’t want to give Brandon up, but Brandon takes matters into his own paws and escapes from Joey and shows up at Punky and Henry’s door, being chased by Joey and his mother. With Brandon back, Punky decides to give the puppy to Joey, who has discovered that he and his parents won’t be moving to California after all. Joey and his mother thank Punky and Henry for the new puppy when they leave and Joey reveals he has a crush on Punky, much to Punky’s embarrassment and teasing from Betty, Cherie, and Henry.