The BR55 Battle Rifle - YouTube

“There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?“ I have loved Halo since first playing it on Christmas morning of 2001. Hundreds of hours spent at LANs with friends, thousands over Xbox LIVE, and a several midnight launches later, the magic of Halo CE-3 still holds true to this day. Nearly two decades after first experiencing what Combat Evolved was like, I am finally able to hold a piece of the franchise that shaped my childhood in my hands. It took countless hours and more money than I'd ever admit, but I can finally reveal to Youtube the world's first BR55*. There is an asterisk there for a reason. Many over the years have modified existing rifles to resemble the weaponry from Halo, and I think those projects are absolutely awesome. The passion on display is obvious for everybody to see. That being said, I wanted to do something more purpose built -something more bespoke. This rifle is as close to a perfect replica as possible to what i