Le Sexe Qui Parle (1975) - Pussy Talk

Weird porn classic from France The plot of this famous piece of Europorn is pretty self-explanatory and also, frankly, pretty stupid--and I’m surely the typically incompetent English dubbing of the version I saw only makes it more so. But in its favor it at least does not try for (intentional)comedy and fall flat on its face (like the loose American re-make, “Chatterbox“)--it’s actually kind of dark, at times kind of disturbing, but above all very weird. It’s also unusual as an XXX porn film in that (I think) both the female leads use body doubles for the hardcore sex, and even then the sex is really somewhere between hard and softcore. The sex scenes are short and numerous without the traditional “money shot“, but that’s one of the things I really like about 70’s Eurotica--it usually tried to be something more than tedious, zero-budgeted masturbation fodder. The main lead Penelope L’Amour has a nice body (although I suspect her breasts are somewhat less than authentic), but she’s not a great actress, even by porn standards, and not a particularly compelling sexual presence. The best scenes are when she falls asleep and her, um, bearded clam regales her husband with tales of her jaded youth. The younger L’Amour is played by the very sexy Beatrice Harnois (who actually appeared in other movies besides this). In short order Harnois’ mischievous, overgrown “schoolgirl“ unwittingly seduces her stepfather (with fatal results!), wittingly seduces a naive male school chum, joins with another girl to seduce a well-endowed teacher, and for the capper humps her father-confessor right in the confessional booth (a Catholic priest being molested BY a young GIRL--now that’s a new one!). At the opposite end of sexiness, Silvia Bourdoin, the ugliest woman in 70’s French porn (who later went on to become the ugliest woman in early 80’s Hollywood porn) shows up as L’Amour’s artist aunt, looking like she’d severely lost control of her blue eyebrow pencil and (judging from the head-scarf) may have been undergoing chemo at the time. She has sex with two young guys (who I actually felt sorry for) and then later two young girls in completely gratuitous scenes apparently added just to amp up the skank factor. Then there’s the end which is just plain bizarre and threatens a sequel that never materialized featuring a talking schlong (although I’m sure it would have been better than “Me and Him“ with Griffin Dunne). This is not any kind of masterpiece (few porn films are) and sexiness is pretty inconsistent, but it’s entertaining enough I guess