THE SENSATIONAL COLONEL PROUTY :Previously Unseen full interview on the MLK & JFK assassinations.

#martinlutherking #mlk #conspiracy #assassin #deepstate #cia Colonel Fletcher Prouty was Chief of Special Operations at the Pentagon under President Kennedy. When Kennedy was killed in 1963, Prouty resigned, suspecting “an enemy within“. He became a leading exponent of the view that the Government was controlled by what he called “The Secret Team“ - a cabal of shadowy figures. In this1989 interview, conducted by Director John Edginton, Prouty gives fascinating insights into the MLK/JFK assassinations and the 'Lone Nuts“ who were blamed for them. Was JAMES EARL RAY the lone wolf killer of DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR or was he a “patsy“, easily manipulated by forces within the US government who wanted King's removal? The interview was for the EMMY-NOMINATED documentary “Who Killed Martin Luther King“ which is also available on this channel. “A compelling piece of detective work.” The Times “The case for conspiracy now looks una