AirDesign paragliding trilogy: Rise 5, Volt 5 & Hero 2

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the AirDesign flight 2024 to cloudbase. Fasten your seat belt, get ready for take off! The AirDesign crew is delighted to introduce you to: The Hero 2 #reborn Superlight 2-liner EN-D The Volt 5 #speedmachine Superlight 2-liner EN-C The Rise 5 #whatsthetrick Duralight high EN-B. Enjoy your flight and break your own rules! Pilots Mathilde Chivet Nicolas Cochet Alexis Coudurier Evolène Janex Jordi Marquillas Ramon Sanmarti Local support Entrenúvols Aerial Cinematography Antoine Boisselier - @tonio43633 Post-Production Benjamin Archier - @dotlinear9482 Voice Mathilde Chivet - @mathildechivet9851 Connect with @AIRDESIGNgliders