Sabaton - The Final Solution (Music Video)

23th Fan MV. The “Final Solution of the Jewish question“ (German: “Endlösung der Judenfrage“) was the systematic genocide of European Jews by the National Socialists in Germany during World War Two. Between July 1941 and May 1945 at least six million Jewish people suffered death in the so-called concentration camps, more than one million of them in the gas chambers of the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. CAUTION I won't tolerate any racist, discriminatory or in any other form inappropriate comments! This song neither glorifies war, nor National Socialism, but should be considered as a historical work. “No, we don't glorify anything, we just tell stories about things that have happened.“ (Rikard Sundén, Sabaton) I made this video for historical purpose, not to support any kind of ideology or anything similar Song: The Final Solution Author: Sabaton Movie/Clips: 1. Schindler's List (1993)