National Russian Holidays

Learn about Russian culture and familiarize yourself with their national holidays... Did you know that they celebrate Pancake Day for the whole week and their 'Valentine' falls in July? Each of the Maslenitsa's days has a special meaning: --Monday - The first day of the Pancake Week is called “Meeting“. The hostesses begin to bake pancakes, and the poor and needy people get the first treats. On this day, our ancestors made a scarecrow of winter and put it in the middle of the village, where it stood until Sunday. --Tuesday - The second day of the week was nicknamed “the game“. Festivities began, mostly young people participated in them. Single boys and girls rode sleigh rides, ice slides. --Wednesday - The day is called “Gourmet“. By tradition, the first guests appear in the house: close friends, neighbors, relatives. The special honor on Wednesday is given to the son-in-law - the family of the daughter came to her parents. Pancakes, honey cakes, and pies are served on this day to them. Also on this day horse races and fistfights were held. --Thursday - In the middle of the week people called them “Razgulay”. People began to dance, sing songs, calling for spring. Sledding and playing snowballs. --Friday - “Evenings with mother-in-law” was the name of this day in the old days, because the son-in-law met and treated his wife’s mother in his house. --Saturday - “Gatherings with sisters-in-law.“ The wife invited the husband's sisters to their house, talked with them, and gave gifts. --Sunday - This is the last day of Maslenitsa. “Forgiveness Sunday”, because on Sunday you have to ask forgiveness from everyone whom you offended, voluntarily or involuntarily. This is farewell to Maslenitsa, winter. People ritually burn the scarecrow of winter. Come to say 'Hi!’ Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: Visit our websites: