If John Wilkes Booth Ran for President

Our Merch: Our Patreon: SubReddit: Insta: @wizardswithguns @ Twitter: @WWG_TV TikTok: wizardswithguns Gabe Lincoln (Abe Lincoln’s brother): “I can’t believe BOTH our phones are out of battery! I knew I should’ve brought my charger. Anyway, here’s some change Abe, this should cover it. I’ll try to hail a cab.” turns away “Just call the theater and tell Mary Todd we’ll be a few minutes late to the play. Oh!-” turning back “-And tell her to get me some popcorn, or whatever us old-timey folk eat for snacks in this, the 1860s. She’ll know what I me- OH NO… MR. PRESIDENT! NO! Get out of there!! That’s not a phone booth!… That’s a JOHN-WILKES BOOTH!!” I don't know about you, but come this November, there's only ONE presidential candidate I'd even CONSIDER voting for on the ballot... and that's because someone myster