Advanced English Grammar complex sentences: negative inversion + cleft sentences + relative clauses

Ready for a challenge? Level Up your English skills from B1 to C1 with this step-by-step lesson on advanced sentence structures! *Negative inversion:* *Not only* will we look at negative inversion, *but we will also* review cleft structures and relative clauses. *Cleft structure:* *What we will focus on is* how to combine different structures together. *Relative clauses* This video is packed with examples *,which will help you understand the grammar,* and opportunities for you to practise *,which will help you remember the grammar.* *Combined conditional + negative inversion:* If you want to impress people with your knowledge of advanced English grammar, not only should you watch this video, but you should also *subscribe to my channel.* This is the 5th video in my level up series: 1: Introduction to the concept of using photos to improve your English 2: Full 1hr class featuring participle adj