TaMtAm & 90s St. Petersburg Underground (Part I)

My attempt at retelling the story behind one of the most important scenes in Russian music history. The video took ages to make so I will just drop a couple of Errors and things I forgot to mention here instead of re-editing the thing again for the millionth time - Gennady Bachinsky did go to St. Petersburg but would leave Chimera during the early formation stages - The Obyekt Nasmeshek songs are “On The Verge Of Hysterics“ and “Juber Lyuber“ - The Dead Hippies clip was uploaded by the channel ULTRASOMNAMBULA U, the video can be found here Tracklist of songs with original Russian titles: Телевизор/Televizor - День Михаила/Mikhail Day Аквариум/Aquarium - 2-е стеклянное чудо/Second Glass Wonder Tequilajazzz - Кокаин/Cocaine Tequilajazzz - Пиратская песня/Pirate Song Tequilajazzz - Звери/Beasts Tequilajazzz - Пуля/Bullet Tequilajazzz - Абориген/Aboriginal Tequilajazzz - Уран/Uranus Tequilajazzz - Небо молчит/Sky Is Quiet Югендштиль/Jugendstil - Шут/Jester Югендштиль/Jugendstil - Ты улыбаешься так/Your Are Smiling Like That Югендштиль/Jugendstil - Anna und Martha Baden Югендштиль/Jugendstil - Никто никому ничего/Nobody, To No One, Nothing Югендштиль/Jugendstil - Музыка моя/My Music Югендштиль/Jugendstil - С головой под одеяло/ With Head Under The Covers Буква О/Bukva O - Пузо с девушкой едут в роддом/Belly And Woman Are Driving To A Maternity Home Депутат Балтики/Baltic Deputy - Ферапонт/Ferapont Химера/Chimera - Крылья/Wings Химера/Chimera - Калевала/Kalevala Химера - Скандинавец/Scandinavian Химера/Chimera - Зайцы/Rabbits Химера/Chimera - Бред/Nonsense Химера/Chimera - Капитан Немо/Captain Nemo Химера/Chimera - Тотальный джаз/Total Jazz Химера/Chimera - Телохранитель Луны/Moon Bodyguard All of the footage and music belong to their respective owners.