I Love This CSS Focus Hack

The CSS :focus state is simple on the surface, but there is actually quite a lot going on behind the scenes. There are 3 total :focus states you can use in CSS and even a secret fourth state that make :focus much more complicated than it may first appear. In this video I go over everything you need to know about CSS :focus states. 📚 Materials/References: CSS :has Selector Video: CSS :has Selector Article: 🌎 Find Me Here: My Blog: My Courses: Patreon: Twitter: Discord: GitHub: CodePen: https:/ ... #WebDevSimplified #webdevsimplified #css_focus_state #css_:focus #:focus #:focus-within #:focus-visible #:focus_vs_:focus-visible #CSS_:focus-visible #CSS_:focus_explained 20240430 dAOGdIOcLps