Thru The Mirror Mickey Mouse 1936

Продюсер: Уолт Дисней Режиссёр: Дэвид Хэнд Аниматоры: Карл Баркс, Джонни Кэннон, Дик Ланди, Боб Уикершем, Леонард Себринг, Харди Граматки, Уго Д'Орси. Композитор: Фрэнк Черчилль, Ли Харлин, Пол Дж. Смит Прокатчик: студия United Artists Восемьдесят третья короткометражка в серии Микки Маус, выпущенная 30 мая 1936 года. Mickey falls asleep after reading one of Lewis Carroll's books. An astral projection of himself leaves his body and wanders through his mirror into an alternate version of his house. His furniture and possessions have come to life complete with faces and personalities. Mickey eats a walnut and shrinks. He is now tiny and begins to tap dance his way through his house, dancing with his possessions and eventually the queen of hearts card. The joker, on his bicycle notices and alerts the king of hearts who fights for his lady. Chaos ensues and Mickey escapes to the right side of the mirror.