Robert Easton In “Mandalay“ (1932)

Full title reads: “Now Pathe Pictorial presents the celebrated Bass Singer Robert Easton of Radio Gramophone and Queen's Hall Fame, in “Mandalay“. On the piano W.T. Beat.“ Robert stands beside the piano in a set dressed to look like a drawing room. As he sings the song in a very low voice various shots are intercut with shots of him singing. The other shots are as follows: C/U of an Eastern beauty (Burmese or supposedly Burmese) smoking a cigarette in a long holder, L/S of a temple (in Burma presumably), sunsets with palm trees silhouetted, M/S of the smoking beauty - we see that she is kneeling on a piece of fabric with a Buddha beside her, M/S of the woman leaning forward to kiss the leg of the Buddha statue, C/U of the Buddha, elephants being ridden down to a pool of water. The song is about soldiers being called back along the Road to Mandalay. There seems to be a romantic reason why the singer wishes to return. Robert ends his rendition with a bow. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITI