One Hour of Honduran Libre Music/Una Hora de Música Libre Hondureña

Some songs were downloaded from the Libre party's website, however I could not find artist names for some of them. Himno de la Resistencia de Honduras was written and produced by Grup Abiayala as the anthem for the FNRP (National Popular Resistance Front/Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular), an organization of grassroots, worker, leftist along with liberal center political organizations opposed to the 2009 presidential coup. The FNRP founded the Liberty and Refoundation Party/ Libertad y Refundación aka Libre. Grup Abiayala is Venezuelan so I included their version as a bonus but their version is the original, official and popular version of the anthem. 0:00 Himno de la Resistencia de Honduras/Resistance Hymn of Honduras (Karla Lara and the Garifuna People) 1:44 Libre Soy/I Am Free (Víctor Peña) 3:38 Ya no Soy Liberal/I am no Liberal (Macario Mejía) 7:04 Ya No Soy Cachureco/I am no Conservative (Kennedy Amaya) 10:25 Joh, Es Pa Fuera Que Vas/Joh, It's