Erose - Apophenia [31edo]

“We endlessly transmute fragments of sensory chaos into beautiful mosaics, bringing them into order under the affliction of meaning.“ some chimecore in 31edo Apophenia is the implicit, intuitive function of perceiving meaning, order, pattern, symbol, and connection within and between unrelated things. When I am not doing music, writing my thoughts down, or teaching voice, I spend a lot of studying perception from the interior. Lately I have been trying to design giant chaotic sensory spaces which afford multistability of coherence across different scales in respect to any area sampled in order to help illustrate and exemplify the way perception brings together experience into something meaningful. The art in this video feature two of these spaces along with some photographs and videos I took last month. The phenomena of finding meaning where it's “not“, illustrates the way our culture defers primacy of ontology to consensus or, even worse, the view from nowhere. If there is no meaning in a random pattern, what do you call the meaning I feel, see, hear, have, and can enact to change the tangible world around me in respect to such meaning? Real itself is a perceptual category; only accessible through the same process. What is really different between them besides scale of consensus? Artists live in a process of explicating the implicate. The implicate is given no status as “real“ culturally until you extrude it out as a presence. A similar process is unfolding here in music. What is allowed to have meaning? The cultural reaction to microtonality rhymes with this. #composer #harmony #chimecore